Jensen's Routine Surgery, Not So Routine

Vet Bill: $9,781

Rottweiler puppy in cone

When Lauren P. took her Rottweiler puppy Jensen in for a routine neuter and gastropexy, she dropped off a happy, healthy boy. But by the time Jensen should have been recovered and back to his playful self, he was lethargic and sickly.

Lauren took Jensen to the vet several times to treat this mystery ailment, and he would get better for a short time but then get worse again. Finally, they were referred to a specialist and an exploratory surgery was recommended. Because Jensen had Embrace Pet Insurance, Lauren knew they'd be covered and went forward with the treatment plan right away.

The surgery found that Jensen had a colonic fistula and they were able to repair it. Jensen is now back to his playful, happy self, and Lauren was reimbursed within days of submitting the claims. Lauren said, "Because Jensen had Embrace, we didn't have to worry about the cost of anything, we could just worry about getting Jensen better."

Jensen's Claim Refund

Claim DetailsAmount
Actual Vet Bill$9,781.00
Covered Charges$9,781.00
Annual Deductible$750.00
Total Embrace Reimbursement$7,225.00